Tandem paragliding over the Ohrid lake

Discover the magic of Lake Ohrid from above. Choose one of our paragliding tours and create memories that will last!
By booking any tour you also get 1 hour of free paddling on a SUP board!
Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure?

Experience the thrill of tandem paragliding over Lake Ohrid!

Each tour offers a unique take-off point, route and landing.

Whether you’re over Lake Ohrid, Galichica National Park or the mountains near Struga, get ready for an unforgettable adventure tailored just for you.

Your safety and enjoyment are our priority.

Our experienced tandem pilots ensure a safe and exciting flight from start to finish. Sit back, relax and enjoy the beauty below you.

Paragliding over Lake Ohrid and the city of Ohrid


69 €

/per person

Paragliding from Galichica National Park


89 €

/per person

Paragliding over Struga from Jablanica mountain


89 €

/per person

Paragliding from the highest point of Galichica


119 €

/per person

Included in the price:

Not included in the price:


– The minimum weight to participate to the activity is 20 kg and the maximum is 100 kg.

– This activity is not recommended for kids below 6 years old.

– Please note that this activity is subject to weather conditions, in case the activity is cancelled, you will have the option to reschedule the activity or to receive a full refund.