

Езеро Матка

Lake Matka is located in the northwestern part of Macedonia, near Skopje on the river Treska. It is the oldest artificial lake in Macedonia, whose accumulation was built in 1938. It stretches 7 km downstream along the river Treska, magnificently with its metallic gray-green color. Steep gray sedimentary rocks are a favorite route and an eternal challenge for climbers. A beautiful piece of untouched nature, rich in rare animal species and endemic plants just 15 km from the capital.

The park consists of three caves Vrelo, Ubava and Krshtana, as well as one underwater cave – Podvrelo. The water temperature is constantly 7 to 9 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature in summer is about 9 degrees lower than in the city.

Vrelo Cave

Vrelo is the only cave that currently functions as a tourist attraction. The depth discovered so far is 230 m, which currently makes it the deepest underwater cave in the Balkans and the second deepest in Europe. The cave is a system of two caves, one above the water called Vrelo and one under the water called Podvrelo and lake. There is a real “rain” of stalactites on the ceiling, and no less astonishing are the few pillars. The “twin pillars”, which are about 6 meters high and have a white crystal color, are especially admirable.

In the depth of the cave there are two lakes, Small and Big Lake with its so-called russian beach. The beach got its name so that Russian pilots employed in the Macedonian Air Force were among the first to bathe in it. The small lake has the shape of an octopus. The presence of stalactites in the water indicates that there was once no water in the cave. The Vrelo cave can be reached by boat. The boat stops on a specially made platform and then walks to the entrance of the cave. The “concert hall” is right at the entrance. The central space is occupied by the stalactite “cone”, according to which the second hall is called – Hall of the cone, while further is the third hall – Hall of the lakes. The name of the cave Vrelo comes from the word hot, which means a strong source of water in limestone areas, such as this one. Next to the cave there is an opening above the water level of the lake through which for a few seconds a stream of water constantly comes out of the spring Vrelo inside the cave, which makes small circular waves above the water surface.

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