Mali Losinj

Mali Losinj, originated in the 12th century, in St. Martin Bay on the east of Loшиinj Island, where a dozen families of cattle breeders and farmers settled. A little later the whole village turned to fishing, shipbuilding and sailing, as a result of which the village became a seaside town. Due to the maritime crisis over the replacement of sailboats with steamships, the fate of Mali Losinj and other cities with similar histories could have been sad. However, the discovery of the beneficial effect of the island climate on the health of tourists and the development of tourism has opened new perspectives. Today, Mali Losinj is the largest island city on the Adriatic coast, known to almost all European tourists, as evidenced by the annual influx of guests looking to visit the island and get to know its sights. As a result of this interest, Mali Losinj became the champion of tourism in 2007, and in 2009 he was awarded the Silver Flower of Europe, a top tourist award given annually to the greenest, neatest and most ecological towns and villages in Europe. was founded by the European Association of Flowers and Landscapes. And this is not at all strange, because the city is almost flooded with greenery. The streets are decorated with palm trees and cypresses, and flowers bloom on the walls of the houses.

At the very beginning of the old town is the Square of the Republic of Croatia, where in 1960 a fountain was built, which was the same as the one in the town of Kres. Rising from the square along the main street Brace Vidulica, you can see the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, which houses paintings by Venetian artists, as well as a unique crucifix created by Bartolomeo Ferrari. A wonderful collection of paintings, collected over the years by poet Andro Vid Micic and Dr. Giuseppe Piperata, offers art lovers an exhibition at the local House of Culture. St. Martin’s Church was dedicated to sailors, many of whom found their final refuge in her cemetery.

Gourmets will certainly enjoy the local delicacies. Fried lamb, numerous fish dishes are especially popular with guests on the island.


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